about our Students
All students deserve a great education, one that affords every opportunity for them to grow into knowledgeable and successful adults. But every student has a unique background, unique strengths, and a unique path to college and a career
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Baseball Summer Camp
Baseball Summer Camp will start on July 15th. Coach Summers and Coach Lewis welcome everyone who would like to practice and have fun. Register Soon!
Finding Teachable Moments on the Field and in the Classroom
This Sunday afternoon, the world will watch the 55th Super Bowl take place in Tampa Bay. While these football professionals play the last game of their season, high school coaches around the country are preparing for their next. Many of these coaches are tasked with balancing responsibilities as leaders on the field and as educators in
Financial Literacy Education and Paying for College
According to the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s 2019 Best Practices for Financial Literacy at Institutions of Higher Education report, effectively engaging students and providing clear, timely, and customized information about student borrowing could be keys to reducing poor financial outcomes. Individuals who receive personal finance education in line with their goals may be more likely
Upcoming Events
Education is, at heart, a community effort.
Education is, at heart, a community effort. In our community, we share our learned experiences and resources as well as offer up opinions on current
Reasons to Educate People – What are the Advantages of Education?
Were you one of those kids who liked to skip classes and just played video games all day long? Did you hate having to shave the